Do I have to talk and share my thoughts?
No. You may remain silent the entire time if you wish.
How long is an Alpha session?
Sessions are less than 2 hours. They go by quickly. We start with dinner and always end on time.
How much does Alpha cost?
There is no cost, Alpha is free!
I am coming and will not know anybody else. Is that normal?
Yes. Most people come to Alpha without knowing anybody else in the course. By the end of the course, most people become good friends. Alpha is a great way to meet new people.
Can I just “come and see” for the first week?
Yes. Just register to let us know you’re coming (so we have enough food prepared for you).
What if I go for a week or two and don’t want to continue?
If you don’t want to continue after a week or two, no worries. We will not call you or bother you if you don’t come back.
I have more questions. Who do I contact?
Questions can be emailed to sfdsalpha@gmail.com. We will follow up with you as soon as possible!
Do you have a list of Recommended Reading available for me?
Yes we do! Visit www.tryalphasfds.org/recommended-reading to get our whole list!